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Steak Cook-Off Competition

​Steak Cook-Off Competition

Complete this registration first, then pay using the PayPal button -if you are sponsored, register but do not pay.
Do you need hookup to a generator (only for your electric smoker)?
I have a sponsor

Steaks: Steaks (45 day dry aged ribeyes) will be provided to contestants, limited to 20 contestants maximum.

The steaks can not be removed from your grill area until they are turned in. Any steaks not provided by Milliken Events Committee can not be entered.

The steaks should be cooked to at least med-rare.

The steaks will be judged on the following:

  • Appearance

  • Doneness

  • Texture

  • Taste Bonus (.1-.9) To break ties

  • Overall Impression

Container: You will be provided a tray with a lid and a number.

 Steaks must be placed in the provided container and turned in at the designated time.

Garnish: Garnishes are not permitted. 

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